Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 4: August 5, 2012

Got up early to sample Lake Livermore!! Had breakfast and then hiked 6 miles to get there. Then we stopped for lunch, and had our first day of August sampling!
Rachel and Jennifer, ready to get in their boat for Day 1!!

Jennifer and Rachel had a butterfly friend with them on their first day!!
We were all exhausted by the end of today- the first day always seems to take the longest, because we're getting back into the groove.
Feels good to be back!
A bed of Nuphar variegata!
I got to do one set of my titrations on a rock-lab, which was awesome.
We found some Eriocaulon aquaticum!
A Sagittaria flower!
Angela looks so distinguished with her plant moustache!!
The sediment porewater was harder to get this time.
Here's a good view of our transect line going out!

 On the hike back, we saw a fox on the trail!! He just hung out there for a while, eating a squirrel. We kept our distance, and watched him until he ran away from the path. He was such a cutie- we got a great video!

We also passed some hikers who were on their way to Richie and were out of water. We gave them the rest of ours, since we were so close to camp. Always make sure you bring plenty of water when hiking!!
I'm getting thirsty just thinking about hiking.
We filtered our samples and took care of the plant samples, and got ready to sample the biggest lake of our second trip tomorrow- Lake Chickenbone!

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