Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 5: August 6, 2012

Gooooood morning!
Woke up at 7:00 am so that we could get to Lake Chickenbone early! Jennifer and Rachel are morning people, so they're doing just fine waking up early to work. Angela and I are a different story, haha! We're working on it though! :)

We were hiking by 7:40, and we traveled 6.5 miles to get to Chickenbone!! Had to pass through a huge patch of thimbleberries to get to it (which, if I haven't mentioned, are like little droplets of heaven. Seriously, they're soooooooooo delicious).

[Insert angel chorus of your choice]
Here's a great view of Chickenbone Lake! So much beautiful blue and green. :)

Started sampling early- the lake was really really cold! Couldn't believe how chilly it was for August. We finished early though, and hiked back! 13 miles of hiking with gear in one day was pretty exhausting, but we did it!! :)

Workin' hard or hardly workin'? ;)

                                   Close ups of a Nuphar variegata flower!

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